Mystery is known as one of the best dives on the Great Barrier Reef due to the great diversity of marine life and corals. Huge Giant Clams with spectacular colours adorn the site as well as several giant fans. Formed by several bommies joining together the remaining crevasses enable the snorkeller to view many deeper fish such as Coral Trout and several cod species.
New Horizon monitors this site in partnership with the Eye on the Reef program run by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Monitoring visibility, temperature, species of fish, and the coral on a regular basis across the marine park gives a better picture on the health and life cycle of the ecosystems that make up the World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef.
Category: Great Barrier Reef
Thetford Reef – 360 – Our Dive Sites
Milln Reef – The Pinnacles – Our Dive Sites
The Pinnacles at Milln Reef have everything that you are looking for on a great coral reef dive. A reef face that runs from the surface down to about 15 metres hosts a great variety of corals as well as fish species. Running down one side of the dive site are four pinnacles that vary in depth. As you move further away from the reef front the depth increases for each pinnacle providing a different experience as you dive each one. Large schools of humphead parrot fish, several different species of sharks and the resident turtles are common sights. Visibility is generally at least 20 metres.
Algae Blooms
Another event that is important in the life cycle of the marine world are the algae blooms. This photo taken just outside Cape Grafton shows the streams of algae that are taken with the coastal currents along the East Coast of Australia.