Places Filling Up Quickly for the End of Year

Come and have some of the great fun and educational experiences our other guests have enjoyed. Limited availability can still be found on our trips from September through to the end of the year. Come and see the reef in a completely different way with only a maximum of 10 guests on-board your snorkelling and diving experience will be unlike any other found on the Great Barrier Reef. Intimate settings and personal touches that make these trips our guests call the highlight of their Australian vacation. Reward yourself and book your escape now.

Guests Join Eye on the Reef Monitoring Program

Guests and keen scuba divers Richard and Laurens from the Netherlands return from a dive as part of the Eye on the Reef monitoring program on-board Coral Sea Dreaming. New Horizon Sail and Dive Adventures has incorporated this successful program run by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority into its’ regular educational and tourism program. By actively including travellers from all over the globe New Horizon hopes to raise the awareness and protection of the Great Barrier Reef’s fragile ecosystem.

Cleaning Up The Reef

Cheryl our devoted dive instructor is seen here with her budding young diver from France, Arnaud, installing in him the virtues of taking every opportunity to clean up the environment. On this dive finding some fishing line and some bottles. Project Aware is sponsoring the Splash for Trash on the 20th September, with New Horizon being a keen participant organisation. For more details on opportunities to participate please contact us.