Everyone in the industry as well as ourselves are always looking for enthusiastic people to come and join us in one of the greatest job in the world. To his end I have created a blog to post jobs from the industry in Cairns and for you to enquire about. If you are interested in a job in Cairns checkout our job postings and even if there isn’t anything there for you right now send your resume in something may come up shortly.
Moore Reef – Surrounds – Our Dive Sites
Surrounds on Moore Reef offers a great insight into the resilience of mother nature and the life cycle of the fragile ecosystems that make up the Great Barrier Reef. Moore Reef suffered from a large outbreak of the Crown of Thorns starfish early this decade. In the time since a great diversity of coral and fish have returned and started to repopulate the site. Some great fans and swim throughs make this a very educational and fun dive.
Flynn Reef – Links – Our Dive Sites
Thetford Reef – Mystery – Our Dive Sites
Mystery is known as one of the best dives on the Great Barrier Reef due to the great diversity of marine life and corals. Huge Giant Clams with spectacular colours adorn the site as well as several giant fans. Formed by several bommies joining together the remaining crevasses enable the snorkeller to view many deeper fish such as Coral Trout and several cod species.
New Horizon monitors this site in partnership with the Eye on the Reef program run by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Monitoring visibility, temperature, species of fish, and the coral on a regular basis across the marine park gives a better picture on the health and life cycle of the ecosystems that make up the World Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef.